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Monday, November 28, 2016

Aviation Organizations

Aviation Organizations are important to the industry as a whole as they serve as a voice for their members on particular issues. Aviation organizations can help you in the segment of industry you are working in by fighting current topics with your industry in mind. There are a wide variety of aviation organizations out there that cover the different segments of the industry. From airline pilots, to airplane mechanics to the general aviation community, there is a organization that covers the segment of the industry you are in. By joining these organizations, it shows employers you are involved in the industry. In addition, organizations like the Aircraft Owners and Pilots association (AOPA) offer flight planning tools for pilots along with the ability to buy insurance with the membership. Therefore, organizations serve as an important tool in helping the aviation community you are involved in. Two specific organizations that would be important to belong to are the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) and the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA).

The Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) is the largest airline pilot union in the world today. According to their website, their mission is "… to promote and champion all aspects of aviation safety, … to represent, in both specific and general respects, the collective interests of all pilots in commercial aviation; to assist in collective bargaining activities on behalf of all pilots represented by the association; to promote the health and welfare of the members of the association before all governmental agencies… (ALPA n.d.).  According to ALPA, the association serves three major functions for its members. The first function is in the form of airline safety and overall security which comes in the form of representation and searching for safety improvements in the industry. According to the website, they have accident investigators that help the National transportation safety board in an effort to promote safety. The second function includes representation by negotiating contracts which involve salary's, and benefits. The final role that ALPA lists is advocacy which involves representing pilots' views to congress, the White House and other federal agencies (ALPA n.d.). This is important because these are the areas of government that decide on many of the regulations that come into play. It is important to have someone representing pilots' interests in these decisions. ALPA has a huge role in the overall industry. One of the roles of ALPA is to create safety and security in the industry. ALPA as stated above is one of the largest pilot unions in the world today and with that they have a big voice in current issues and changes with regulations. One example, was the third class medical reform, where ALPA opposed the reform prior to it being passed (Pope 2015).

The other organization that I am currently in is the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA). I think this is a really important organization to be apart of as a pilot currently involved in General Aviation because the large amount of tools and services they offer to the community.  These tools include airport directories, flight planning software, weather data and many others. According to AOPA, they represent the largest aviation community in the world and they represent pilots in seventy-five different countries (AOPA "About." n.d.). AOPA lists its mission as advocating for its members, educating both pilots and policy makers, supporting actives that foster the development of General Aviation, fighting for the right to keep General Aviation available and securing resources (AOPA "Mission, vision and values." n.d.). AOPA also shows huge support for other sectors of the aviation industry. They help protect and represent airports and airspace in the US along with providing support for aircraft owners and certification that goes along with the aircraft. In regards to airports, AOPA offers resources for airport managers also (Moore 2014).

It will be very important to belong to these organizations as I engage more in my aviation career. It will be important to join the Air Line Pilots Association because they have a big voice in representing the views and collected interests of airline pilots to congress and government agencies. The representation in regards to pilot contracts in salaries and working conditions will directly effect me as a pilot interested in the airline career. In addition, AOPA is a valuable organization to a pilot such as myself because they provide tools that I can currently use for everyday flights and they support the airports that I fly into day in and day out while in flight training. Their representation for General Aviation is important because in the midst of all the commercial areas of the industry, the General Aviation community is sometimes overlooked. AOPA provides the support and representation GA pilots need.

ALPA. (n.d.). What we do. Retrieved November 28, 2016, from

AOPA. (n.d.). About. Retrieved November 28, 2016, from

AOPA. (n.d.). AOPA's Mission, Vision and Values. Retrieved November 28, 2016, from

Moore, J. (2014, June 19). AOPA offers resources for airport managers. Retrieved November 28, 2016, from

Pope, S. (2015, July 28). ALPA Moves To Block Medical Reform Bill. Retrieved November 28, 2016, from

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